Hi guys!
It's me again. I hope you guys all well and healthy. Today I am going to talk about "Augmented Reality Integrated Teaching Material. Augmented Reality is a tool which includes technology to a large extent. With this tool, we can visualize picture, 3D models and animations in a 3D environment. As teachers, we can use augmented reality videos or picture not only to teach English, but also create an environment that is entertaining for our students.

In education, Augmented Reality (AR) is a material that is benefited by the educators all around the world. By means of AR, teachers can make lessons more interactive and students can understan the topics easily. This technology is not only useful for teachers, but also for students. AR projects help students to enhance their critical thinking skills as well. Collaboration, creating and problem-solving type of skills can be improved through this material. On the other hand, traditional learning strategies can be reduced with this technology usage.
AR projects give our students the opportunity to improve themselves in various areas. These areas can be listed as, creating contents, scenarious and working with numbers etc.
This week, me and my pair Melisa have created our Augmented Reality Integrated Teaching Material. Our students are high school English prep class students. Our task is about Alberta, Canada. We have wanted our students to explore this impressive country. Thus, we have prepared some handouts for our students to discover some of the landmarks of the country and also paleontology museum.
Here are the handouts we have prepared for our students:
To be honest, there were several problems during this AR creation process. We have challenged while using apps about AR. However, we wanted to do our best anyway. AR apps are not properly working. I think there should be some regulations about it. Me and Melissa have added QR codes of 360 degree photos of landmarks. As our students can discover the country in detail, we prepared our handouts in line with these instructions. All of the work are equally separeted. We enjoyed while preparing these AR Materials.
For making QR Codes, we have used a beneficial cite which works easily. Click
HERE to find this cite. Via this QR codes, our students will be able to learn easily.
On the other hand, for final project, we have prepared a postcard template. Students will use all of the informantions they have learnt so far.Our students will write a postcard to their imaginary friend. The context of the postcard will be our students' exploration about Alberta, Canada. They will imagine that they have explored all around the city and write about the things to their friends.
In conclusion, I recommend all of you guys to use Augmented Reality Materials. As teachers, it will be very useful and fun to teach topics. Also please click
HERE to visit my partner's blogpost. I hope you enjoyed and benefited from our AR Materials. See you soon!
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